In oncology, crispr has revolutionized drug target discovery & validation

However, these screens are performed in cell-line models with unknown translability to the clinic.

Cancer evolution is like a crispr screen performed by mother nature in real tumor

“We can't ethically conduct these experiments [screens] in people, but in a way, life has performed these experiments for us”
- Jennifer Doudna

Drug targets validated by mother nature

Our proprietary technology identifies novel drug targets whose downregulation leads to cancer death. Derived from patient samples, these findings are more likely to translate into clinical success.

AI Model for Identifying Drug Targets from Patient Data

In the ‘Mother’s Nature’ experiment, clinically successful drug targets like MEK1, PARP or PD-L1 display different to expected levels of deleterious mutations but only in tissues where their respective inhibitors produce favorable clinical responses.


Purpose-built patient
tumor database


Tissue types

133 classes

of mutations




AI Model

Partnering opportunities

Gordion can identify novel drug targets ‘invisible’ to cell line-based assays across any indication.

To learn more about the Gordion Platform, explore our case studies.

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